Volunteer with Us

West Dunbartonshire CAB needs you!




Volunteering with CAB is interesting, friendly and very worthwhile. Full training and support is given so no formal qualifications or experience are required. Our team offer new trainees daily support within a very friendly environment. 


What does it take to be an advisor?

All sorts of people volunteer as CAB advisors and provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice. There are some things Bureau Advisors have in common though. CAB Advisors:

  • Are good listeners
  • Work well in teams
  • Have good English literacy skills, and can do basic arithmetic
  • Have good computer skills
  • Are analytical thinkers
  • Are open minded and don’t judge people or their circumstances
  • Enjoy helping all kinds of people


What does it take to be a trustee?

You may also like to contribute to their local community by joining our Board of Trustees. We look for team players who have strategic vision, independent judgement, a willingness to give time and commitment to help support and develop our organisation. We are particularly interested in hearing from people with knowledge and experience in finance, fundraising, governance and Third Sector organisations.

Trustee Role Description 1516243533810947090new-document-clipart.hi.png


Still thinking about volunteering?

You will never look back as you make a difference and feel a difference.

Volunteer Application Form


* Please notes: 

  • All of our volunteers have to undergo a recruitment and training process in all roles and, as such, volunteering with WDCAB is not something you can start immediately.
  • Volunteers who wish to train as advisers must agree to undergo the Disclosure process, if requested, and to provide satisfactory references.
  • We consider all applications on an individual basis and cannot guarantee everyone who applies a volunteering opportunity.

Applicant Privacy Notice

Help us to continue our work

Each Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland is a registered charity and raises its own funds, please contact us to find out how you can make a donation. Alternatively you can make a donation to Citizens Advice Scotland to help us support bureaux to give quality advice, deliver vital services like the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and carry out campaigning and influencing work so that those in power change things for the better.