
We are currently looking to recruit for the following paid positions:



 We do not have any paid vacancies at present



If you are interested in any of our advertised paid positions, after having looked at the job description and person specifications, please complete and return an application form:

Application form  1516243533810947090new-document-clipart.hi.png 



West Dunbartonshire CAB is aware of its obligations under data protection regulations and is committed to processing your information securely and transparently. It is important that you read our Applicant Privacy Notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using your data.



About Us


Citizens Advice Bureaux are the major providers of information, advice and assistance, operating from service points that cover Scotland from the islands to the City Centres through a broad range of delivery channels. 


These Bureaux are staffed by a mixture of trained volunteer advisers and paid staff under the supervision of the manager, and provide responses to clients' enquiries covering the whole range of social issues.  Despite being a generalist service, most enquiries are concerned with matters related to problems of poverty and deprivation.



All bureaux are members of Citizens Advice Scotland (the Scottish Association of CABx), and as such must meet specific conditions of membership related to standards of service and other matters.


West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau is wholly independent and receives its core funding from West Dunbartonshire Council, with several other funded projects running concurrently.  WDCAB is an autonomous body under the control of a local Board of Directors.  These consist of representatives of local statutory and voluntary agencies, elected members of the public, and staff representatives.


We deal with enquiries cover a wide range of social welfare issues, and clients expect high quality advice and assistance (including representation at tribunals and in Court when appropriate) on what are, at times, highly complex matters.  The main enquiries at the present time relate to problems with welfare benefits and money; employment; goods and services; housing; and family and personal situations


Applicants should be under no illusions about the extent of hard work and pressure involved in working for the CAB.  These posts demand a high level of commitment. 





If you are interested in volunteering with West Dunbartonshire CAB, please visit our dedicated page - Volunteering






Help us to continue our work

Each Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland is a registered charity and raises its own funds, please contact us to find out how you can make a donation. Alternatively you can make a donation to Citizens Advice Scotland to help us support bureaux to give quality advice, deliver vital services like the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and carry out campaigning and influencing work so that those in power change things for the better.