As we continue to be experiencing unprecedented levels of demand and, whilst we continue to review our service delivery, we have placed a moratorium on referrals from other organisations.
Where we have an existing referral partnership, we will continue to honour that arrangement (and you should use the forms and contact details provided as part of that agreement).
Our ongoing review considers:
the extent to which clients are engaged in the process (our Advisors waste a lot of time trying to contact individuals who neither asked for a referral, nor agreed to being referred, on occasion becoming aggressive) or are simply being passed on;
our response to staff of organisations making referrals, but who are unwilling to complete the referral form as requested;
organisations making referrals for a service which they themselves are funded to deliver;
clarifying “partner” expectations of the service we strive to deliver.
During this review period, priority will be given to our telephone service.
The 'Contact Us' page of our website remains open for clients to use themselves (not for organisations to make referrals), but there is likely to be waiting list. We want to ensure that clients who are using the telephone service are not disadvantaged because they are, in some way, digitally excluded.
We respectfully request that you do not attempt to make referrals by telephone - if you feel that your client or service-user is in an emergency situation and needs to be referred immediately, please contact our Service Manager to discuss the case.
We appreciate this news may be disappointing, but trust you will understand that during this cost of living crisis we are facing extremely high levels of demand with reduced resources.
If you wish to discuss a referral partnership, please contact our CEO.
Each Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland is a registered charity and raises its own funds, please contact us to find out how you can make a donation. Alternatively you can make a donation to Citizens Advice Scotland to help us support bureaux to give quality advice, deliver vital services like the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and carry out campaigning and influencing work so that those in power change things for the better.