About Us

We are a member of Citizens Advice Scotland and deliver the citizens advice service across the whole of West Dunbartonshire district.

WDCAB offers local residents general advice and assistance across a wide range of subjects. A fuller explanation of these is given in the advice section. Where we cannot help you, we will do everything in our power to give you the contact details of someone who can. 

Like all Citizens Advice Bureaux in Scotland, we work towards achieving the following twin aims:

  • To ensure that individuals do not suffer through a lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, the services available to them, or through an inability to express their needs.
  • To exercise a responsible influence in the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.

For any resident of West Dunbartonshire contacting the bureau for assistance it will be reassuring to know that our service is free, confidential, impartial and independent. We also fundamentally believe in the clients’ right to choose and so we would take no action without the expressed permission of our clients.

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West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice is an accredited provider of advice under the Scottish National Standards for Advice and Information Providers.

Meet The Team

Where we are looking to add to our paid staff team, all recruitment lists are published on our Opportunities page




Joe McCormack
Chief Executive Officer


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Linsey Close
Training & Support Officer



Liz Thomson


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Leon Slocombe




Shona Elder



Gareth King
Senior Operations Manager


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Donna Bell
Money Advice Worker



Mary Bennie



Phil Cole



Alex Jeffery


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Pamela Miller
Service Manager



Trisha Nixon


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Jack Huey





James Walker

Help us to continue our work

Each Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland is a registered charity and raises its own funds, please contact us to find out how you can make a donation. Alternatively you can make a donation to Citizens Advice Scotland to help us support bureaux to give quality advice, deliver vital services like the Citizens Advice Consumer Service and carry out campaigning and influencing work so that those in power change things for the better.